The demo version on the UNREAL RACING Prototype [PHASE1] site allows you to receive AirDrop in the game currency URX without an NFT car. AirDrop is designed for 8 months and solves three tasks:

1. Expanding the audience around the project before its launch

2. Upgrading driving skills in a race

3. Claim URX for fans from Players Reward

Initially, 7 trial runs are available to the user (on demo machines), they are also possible without MetaMask connection. To unlock additional races, you will need to expand the invite link. As soon as someone clicks on this link, 7 more races are opened for the user. Each new user attracted by the link unlocks 7 more races; the number of unlocked races is summed up.

AirDrop conditions:

  1. To receive AirDrop, you need to connect MetaMask

  2. URX is given only for defeating a bot

  3. There is a total daily distribution limit for all participants URX

  4. General AirDrop is limited in time, as is access to demo cars

AirDrop URX is for 4 months, 50,000 URX has been allocated. Daily quota for all players ≈ 201.6 URX. The daily quota is divided into 4 rounds, each round lasts 6 hours. After resetting the countdown timer, AirDrop will end, as will free access to demo machines. Information about the start dates of AirDrop will be in the official chat.

⚠ Used network is XLT2.0, meanning that URX is instantly credited to the MetaMask balance, without the need for a “Claim Reward”. If necessary, the conversion of URX [XLT network] to URX [ETH network] occurs through bridges and is seamless for the user. URX exists in two networks, the balance is displayed in MetaMask and in the UNREAL RACING interface.

Last updated

Y2O LABS | unrealracing.co